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Bitcoin Bull John McAfee Shills Zombie ICO: ‘You’ve Been Warned’ – CCN Markets
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Bitcoin Bull John McAfee Shills Zombie ICO: ‘You’ve Been Warned’ – CCN Markets

by Raphael PutongAugust 26, 2019

By CCN Markets: Bitcoin bull and IRS fugitive John McAfee is shamelessly shilling a Chinese zombie cryptocurrency ICO — and he doesn’t want to hear any lip about it.

The hilarity erupted this morning (Aug. 24) when McAfee tweeted that he had accepted an advisory position with China Zombie to create and promote their CZ Coin ($CZ).


McAfee told his Twitter followers not to criticize his forthcoming marketing of the ICO(initial coin offering). Why? Because he promises it’s going to be obnoxious and in-your-face.

McAfee cautioned his fans that, “You have been warned. I want no flack. Thank you.”

Basically, China Zombie insists that zombies exist and can be taught to use cryptocurrencies.

McAfee added that while he’s obviously shilling the China Zombie ICO because he’s getting paid, he says he’s “fascinated” by the zany concept.

“I only take jobs that fascinate me,” he claimed. “I’m fascinated. Who wouldn’t be?”

It’s unclear where China Zombie’s corporate headquarters are located. However, McAfee says the company is flying him to its Bhutan research facility next week, where he’ll allegedly be exposed to “real zombies.”

Here’s a suggestion: If McAfee channels Michael Jackson’s zombie music video “Thriller,” maybe the ICO could take off.

Via ccn.com

About The Author
Raphael Putong